I would like first of all draw your attention to the Doric night at St Margaret’s on Wednesday 2nd of October. Over time this has become quite an established event and I am encouraging you to try and turn out for this evening. It was started years ago to commemorate the life of Dean John Skinner, who was perhaps one of the most influential priests in the history of this Church. He was a correspondent with Robert Burns and was a very much an enthusiast for the Scots language, as well as being the last great Latinist in Scotland.

A really good line-up of entertainers has been arranged and these good folks are coming to St Margarets again voluntarily to offer their gifts, enthusiasm and expertise to the event. Some of them also gave of their time for the Gallowgate Festival. Please do come out and support, any monies raised will go to the Hall Fund, which has been the traditional destination. All this is about ‘multipliers in the community’ which I think is the proper jargon language! It is all about engaging with the community and if the Church doesn’t do that then we are on a hiding to nothing! St Margaret’s was established and built on involvement with the community.

You will notice in the Kalendar that some of major the Festivals have been transferred. All Saints’ Day is now on the 3rd of November. All Souls’ Day is on the traditional date of 2nd November, and there are two Masses. Please do try and come out to this. The names on the necrology will be remembered over the two Masses. Again it is important to turn out. All Souls’ Day has always been an important observation at St Margaret’s. Even though it is a Saturday, I am asking you to turn up. Praying for the dead is very mucha part of our liturgical observance and has been in Scotland since 1637.

Remembrance Sunday is on the 10th of November. St Margaret’s Day has been set for Sunday 17th of November. I am thinking that it would be a good idea to have a Buffet Lunch in the Hall on that date, so if you can help out by contributing towards this then that would be good. I’ll put out a sheet for names for contributions. As I have said before, sharing food is so important in the life of Christian Community.

The Congregational AGM is scheduled to take place in the Hall on the Second Sunday in Advent after a shortened Parish Mass. Please remember the work of the Gospel and the community life of this place in your prayers.

Most importantly, I’ll see you in Church.

As Aye,